Mini-Books are here! {10 years ago}

Thanks for stopping in to read the site! I hope everyone is having a magnificent Friday!

On a terrific Freedom Edge note, mini-books of character back stories just got printed and they are looking very good!  We’ll have some pictures up in the store shortly. Finally finished with the story arcs and now I can focus primarily on distribution and marketing.
Setting up an LLC to protect my personal assets is complex to do it properly and inexpensively; working with some great companies to do the bulk prints, but I’ll need to take out a small business loan to pull off this hat-trick.
People have been enormously patient, please know I’m trying my damnedest to get these in paperback for everyone! I’ve got a great team on my side, thanks everyone for your support.
Happy Friday gang,
Your friend on the Edge,
Ben Toz

t-shirt prototypes are up. {10 years ago}

A brilliant Friday to all,

Posted today is not only the latest installment of FE, but a much awaited first-look at the FE t-shirt prototype.  I’m looking forward to driving down to my local print shop and get the first print of my mini-stories that will only be sold in conjunction with the printed book.

I’ve been doing a lot of research into the safest way to print/market the actual novel.  With some very elite friends, I’ve gotten some sound advice in setting up an LLC for protection and tax implications.  I’m hoping to get books printed and in the web-store for this fall, along with a bundle buy for t-shirts!

Thanks for your patience and understanding,

This is all uncharted territory for me,

Be well, Your friend on the Edge

Ben Toz

News for 7/26/14 {10 years ago}

Happy Friday Ladies and Gentlemen!

What a day!  Abundance of yard work and household chores completed!  Not the least of which was setting up my new ping pong table!  I was even able to sneak in a dune buggy ride and I picked up the lass from class on the bike…finishing it all off with a healthy serving of JW Gold Label and the best homemade banana bread you could ever wish for while watching Tron Legacy (again)!

More chores tomorrow and with luck I’ll be polishing off the last of the spin-off series!

Work hard folks, drop me a  line anytime.


Your friend on the Edge

Ben Toz

It’s Friday, Folks! {10 years ago}

Greetings Everyone!

And thank you for visiting Freedom Edge! The responses I’ve gotten so far have been constructive and insightful; any feedback is welcome.

I hope everyone will be having a pleasant weekend.  I myself and looking forward to an abundance of yard work, renovating, and if the stars align, a Polka Picnic with my Gram!  If time allows, my brother-in-law is planning a lake party at the cabin; and I would surely like to sneak in a motorcycle ride or two…

Thanks for reading, everyone.  Be well,

Your friend on the Edge

Ben Toz

Happy Friday! {10 years ago}

Hey everyone!

*whew, just made it before the day is over!  Was fortunate enough to share some very fine times with friends at the beach, today.  Just got back; gosh, it was a gorgeous day.  About 76 degrees on the sand and the waves were terrific.  Was able to enjoy some lobster, and laughter was certainly not scarce, either.

I’ve also been tracking down some leads in order to begin my LLC to publish Freedom Edge, privately.  Even better news, I’ve decided to try to go with American Apparel 50/25/25 blend t-shirts to sell on the website.  I’m still deciding on the proper logo, but I’m using a local print shop to make sure I have control over the product.  I’ve got a great team helping me out with these new challenges, and I’m thankful for all the support!

Have a great weekend everybody!

Your friend on the Edge

Ben Toz